Ant Torture in Viet Nam
I was doing some research and came across an interesting article at:...
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He needn't have gone to 'Nam to have heard those stories from military friends. Heck, he needn't even have been a military man.
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Despite being a disgusting, barbarous way to treat another human being, anthill torture is pretty much an old chestnut in the American consciousness. The Arizona Territorial Legislature has sworn...
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Apaches = Vallejo High School. I love it! Break out the old yearbooks. Check the Film Society and the Biology/Entomology Club. Anybody belonged to both did it!
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I'm actually up in the air on this one, but the way I see it Zodiac was the kind of person that took things in that he sensed and rehashed them in his own sadistic way. Your right Nach, he could have...
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